
Leaders of the Statistics Bureau of the Autonomous Region visited Fuda Co., Ltd.
2021-03-10 Source:本站  

On the morning of March 9th, Wu Jianxin, Director of the Autonomous Region Statistics Bureau, and his entourage visited Fuda Co., Ltd. to know the company's production and operation conditions, and coordinate to solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the development of the company. Zhao Hongwei, General Manager of Fuda, and Zhang Haitao and Yu Chengzhou, Deputy General Managers accompanied the investigation.

The research team spoke highly of the company’s statistical work in recent years and put forward higher requirements for future statistical work. At the same time, it expressed appreciation for the company’s overcoming the impact of the new coronavirus epidemic, optimizing customer structure and product structure, and achieving steady growth in operating performance.

Li Qiang, Director of Guilin Statistics Bureau, and Zhou Bo, Executive Deputy Head of Lingui District, investigated together.

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