
The Party Branch of the Lingui District Taxation Bureau and the Fuda Party Branch jointly launched the theme day activity of "Learning Party History, Being thankful to the Party, Listening to the Part
2021-04-21 Source:本站  

On the afternoon of April 18, the second branch of the Lingui District Taxation Bureau, the Party branch of the Second Branch, the Party branch of Fuda Group and the Party branch of Fuda Co., Ltd. jointly launched the theme day of " Learning Party History, Being thankful to the Party, Listening to the Party, and Following the Party " activity. Peng Tao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Lingui District Taxation Bureau; Li Bo, Deputy Director; Song Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Fuda Group; Lu Guilian,

Deputy General Manager and Yu Chengzhou, Secretary of the Branch of Fuda Corporation, and more than 70 party members from the Taxation Bureau and Fuda participated in this event.

This event hosted by Song Jun. During the event, Peng Tao emphasized that at the time of the 30th National Taxation Publicity Month, the tax bureau should focus on the theme of "Tax benefits for the private sector, deepen the reform and create a new bureau". According to the arrangements and requirements of the Taxation Bureau of the Autonomous Region and the Taxation Bureau of Guilin, should reach deeper into enterprises and the grassroots level to publicize tax laws and policies for enterprises and taxpayers, and answer questions. The tax bureau should take this theme day event as an opportunity to practically implement the work of "Do practical work for taxpayers" and achieve practical results.

Deng Jingsheng, Associate Professor of Guangxi Normal University was invited to attend this theme activity day to give a party class with the theme of "Surpassing Hardships and Creating Brilliance". Professor Deng used simple and vivid language and true historical stories to tell us the victory of the Chinese Communist Party after hardships and its direction the glorious historical process summarizes the historical facts that only the Communist Party of China can lead the Chinese people to victory and glory. Through the study of the party class, all party members have a deeper understanding of the growth process of the Communist Party of China and its advanced, outstanding and far-sighted nature. They all expressed the need to strengthen the study of party history, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, strengthen the principles of party spirit, and study party history in combination with daily work well, listen to the party and follow the party.

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